
Trouble is my sweetheart goat. She is the sweetest little baby and I think she is going to be one lovely doe. Trouble's dam line has gorgeous mammary's and her sire, GCH + *B Blissberry Mic Drop has proven himself to be a powerhouse of a buck... with several notable daughters. His dam is SGCH Blissbberry GoodyGoody Gumdrops 4*M EX92! One of my favorite does! . His sire is SCGH  ++ *B Blissberry Show Me the Money... who is an amazing buck!

I am so excited to see her freshen this year (2024) and a two year old! 


Pictures are her as a one year old with a terrible haircut, lol.


Hello! Welcome to Muscadine Creek Dairy goats! I Am Lacy Rae Heffelfinger and I own and operate my herd of ADGA registered Purebred Nubian dairy goats in Titus, Alabama.

I started my herd back in summer of 2019 with two Nubian milkers and fell in love with this breed! I had previously been an apprentice to a Nigerian Dwarf breeder for about three years and learned all I could about the care of goats. It was such a fun and terrific learning experience!

I added new very awesome genetics to my herd in 2021 and finally made my herd dreams come true, lol. I am so excited to see how my herd grows over the few years.

I will be signing up for ADGA Plus this year (2024) and will be adding DHI testing to my program as well as attending my first Linear Appraisal! I also attend dairy goat shows around the southeast. I think all of these combined will be super helpful and imperative in bettering the breed on my farm.

Thank you so much for visiting my site!!

Herd Management

My herd's health is the most important thing for me. All of my goats are fed free choice high quality grass hay mix as well as Western alfalfa or Perennial Peanut hay. They are also provided Sericea Lespedeza when I'm able to find it.

Bucks: The boys are fed a high quality alfalfa, they also are rotated among pastures in summer for parasite management. Those who want will get a goat feed with added ammonium chloride during and before rut to help keep weight on them. They are fed free choice minerals... Sweetlix Magnum Milk, Duraferm, Baking Soda, Redmond Salt Mix, and I will be adding Kelp as well! Hooves are kept trimmed, CD&T boosters once a year, and copper boluses once a year. They also get Molly's Herbal dewormer weekly.

Dry Does: When my girls are not milking for whatever reason, they just get free choice hay (like above), and during summer are rotated among pastures to help prevent an overload of parasites. They get free choice minerals (Sweetlix Magnum Milk, Duraferm, Redmond salt mix, Baking Soda, and I will be adding kelp and an herbal mix). Hooves are trimmed periodically, they get CD&T boosters twice per year, and they are copper bolused once per year.

Milking Does: Milkers receive my goat feed mix of ADM dairy goat pellets, Tucker Milling Dairy Goat Feed, Alfalfa Pellets, Oats, Calf Manna, BOSS, a little corn, beet pulp, food grade DE, and molasses to blend. I top the feed with Manna Pro Skin & Coat, Pumpkin seeds, a bit of my herb mix, and goat balancer. Thin does will also get Senior horse feed. They get milked twice a day and are fed this mix during milkings. After milkings they will be offered a bit of chaffeye. They are rotated among pastures in the spring and summer for parasite management. CD&T Boosters are given twice a year and they are copper bolused once per year. They are offered the same minerals free choice as the dry does.

Late Pregnancy: About four weeks before the does are due I will start feeding them. I start with a little at a time and increase a little each week. Does also get one more hoof trim at this time before kidding, and I start giving them weekly Selenium & Vitamin E gel and Replamin. About one week before kidding I will shave the udder, tail and back legs of the goat. Does are put into the kidding stall and 150 days and have a baby monitor on them so I can constantly watch them. On day 149 I will give CD&T. I attend all births.

Post Kidding: I give my girls a bucket of YMCP water and my grain mix as soon as they are finished kidding. I will only chemically worm if fecal shows they need it. They do get a dose of Molly's Herbal dewormer!

Kid Raising:

Birth: Starting in 2024 I will be pulling kids and bottle raising them. They will be fed UltraStart 150 powdered colostrum if I do not have any heat treated colostrum available. They are cleaned off and naval cords are trimmed and dipped in iodine, hooves are dipped in Chlorohexidine. I make sure to feed at least 15% of the kids body weight in colostrum.

1st week: As soon as kids are finished with colostrum, I will keep kids on bottle and feed up to 20oz of pasteurized goat milk four times daily. They will be given CD&T and disbudded as soon as I can feel the horn buds.

2-16 weeks old: Kids are given CD&T boosters ate 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 15 weeks old. At the second week of the kids life they are trained to the lambar.. which makes life so easy with bottle kids! They are fed free choice pasteurized goat milk, kept cool with ice packs. Starting at three weeks old I add ProBac to the milk for a coccidia pevention. They get tattoed at three weeks old. Grain is offered free choice at two weeks old so they can figure out how to eat it. At 10 weeks old I will start them on my herbal dewormer program.

16 weeks- 1 year ols: Starting at 16 weeks old kids start their weaning process... less and less milk per day. I start offering lespedeza at this time. They start going out to pasture at this age as well. They will get free choice grain until they are really scarfing it down. They will then be fed twice a day until six months old. They will then be considered an adult. They are copper bolused at five months old.

Parasite Management: We perform our own fecals on our goats to check if they are in need of worming and what exactly we are treating. We only deworm using the two classes of chemical dewormer IF the fecals show that they need it. We also check FAMACHA and BCS to make sure everyone looks good and healthy. During the growing season (Spring, Summer, and fall) all of my goats are rotated among pastures of no longer than 2 weeks per area (usually from 9am-4pm) with a very LONG resting period for pastures (4-6 weeks) is extremely crucial. We use electric netting from Premier 1 with a solar charger for ease of movement. SOOO helpful! I plant several different seeds in the pasture each winter. Sericea Lespedeza is fed to them when I am able to source it. I also deworm weekly with Molly's Herbal dewormer #2. I drench i using a mix of the herbs, water, Dyne, Probios powder, clove, wild orange, and oregano essential oils. I will also use formula #1 every six to eight weeks for three days (without using #2). I will also give a treat of 1 garlic clove mixed with applesauce and a pinch of slippery elm powder. Prevention is key and after dealing with terrible parasites in my second year of raising goats, I never want to have to deal with it again! In winter all goats are dry lotted to let the pastures rest.

Disease Prevention: I test my entire herd every year for Johnes and CAE... we are clean again in 2023/2024!! We make sure to practice good biosecurity at shows and have never had an issue with bringing home any sicknesses.

Vaccinations: Since we live in Alabama (very unpredictable weather), we vaccinate with Mannheimia Haemolytica Pasteurella once a year (in fall before breeding), and kids ate 2 months, 3 months, and once more at 6 months, in addition to twice yearly CD&T vaccinations.

Herd Protection

My herd is protected by our Livestock Guardian Dogs. Sugar is my Great Pyrenees that protects my retired goats, wether, and bucks (along with our ducks, geese, and pigs). She is such an amazing dog and I'm so happy we have her! She will be three years old this year!! Bear protects the does and kids (along with the chickens and turkeys). He is going to be six years old this year!

I will always have a guard dog with my herd... they are worth their weight in gold!I hope to add in more eventually, but until then I think I have the best ever ;

Breeding Plans 2024


Urban Acres Ts Samba/ Briarcrest Where There's Smoke- No doelings will be available/ 1st & 2nd buckling reservations accepted- Due March 27, 2024

Blissberry U Were Trouble/ Briarcrest Where There's Smoke- No doeling reservations are available/ 1st & 2nd buckling reservations accepted- Due March 27, 2024

4*Bar*E SR Pixie Dust/ Father is either Blissberry SL blowin Smoke or Blissberry She Loves You Yeah (DNA will be performed once kids are born)- All doeling reservations are filled/ 1st & 2nd Buckling reservations are open- Due April 29, 2024

Blissberry Against The Odds/ Blissberry SL Blowin' Smoke- 1st & 2nd buckling reservations are avaiable/ All doeling reservations are filled- Not Confirmed bred

About your MCC Kids

Pricing: Doelings start at $600 and bucklings start at $500 from first fresheners. Prices vary on individual kids on how who their dams and sires are and show records, official milk records, Linear appraisal scores, and more! If you are interested in a breeding, please email me or contact me through my facebook (Muscadine Creek Dairy Goats) for more information and specific pricing.

Sales Policy~

In order for me to grow and improve my herd I reserve the right to retain any kid born on my farm at any time. So if there was a deposit taken on that kid, it will promptly be refunded or it can be applied to another kid- from this breeding season or the next. We also can and will deny a sale if we feel it is best for the health and well being of the animal.

If, for any reason, the purchase of the goat is cancelled after the initial commitment has been made, or if the purchaser does not show up at their appointed pick-up tie, deposits will be non-refundable. If the day of pick-up must be changed, a $5.00 boarding fee per week will be applied. The remaining purchase cost, plus any boarding fees is due at time of pick-up.

If at all possible, we would love for you to pick up your kid on our farm. If not possible we can set up a place to meet up to an hour away from the farm ($10 travel fee). I will be offering shipping, but buyer is responsible for all shipping costs, air fare, CVI, Crates, and any other required health testing. There will also be a $30 fee for travel to the Atlanta Airport. NO animal will be shipped until all shipping costs have been paid in full. OR we can work with a ground transport option... that may be cheaper than shipping. All out of state purchases do require a CVI for travel to destination.

Kids will be ready for their new homes at four weeks old, they will be bottle trained and lambar trained,they will be disbudded, tattooed, registered and transferred to you with ADGA if you are buying registrable stock, and first two rounds of CD&T. All buck kids will be sold DNA typed.

All kids are sold as is, and all sales are final. Due to biosecurity, we will not be responsible for any animal once it has left our property. It is the buyers responsibility to determine the health of the animal before leaving. We do not guarantee longevity, production, conformation, show ability, or ability in breeding or kidding with any animal sold.

Deposits of $100 per animal are required to reserve a kid.

By placing a deposit, the buyer is in agreement with the entirety of this sales policy.